The new motorway is a hot topic in Mt Albert, feelings on the subject are running high and the NIMBYs are frothing in force so I guess Melissa Lee could be forgiven for saying she was all for the tunnel option.
Pity her party had other ideas.
The residents of Mt Albert are less than happy about the prospect of their suburb being cut in half so in the heat of a community meeting and obviously trying to find a positive side to the big road in a trench Ms Lee makes the comment that the new motorway will help stop the criminals from South Auckland from running rampant in Mt Albert.
Pity about the RNZ journo who got it on tape.
While all the frothing is going on I can't help noting a few points.
- A glance at the local paper seems to show that the worst crimes locally do seem to be committed by low lives from South Auckland, either that or they are the ones that get caught.
- I don't think the motorway with stop these criminals. I think it is more likely to aid them. That quartet that did the Dukes of Hazard off Beach Haven wharf proved that not only do they have just enough IQ to use an off ramp, even when being blocked by Police but when off the motorway their ability to navigate is highly suspect hence the their escape south being stopped by the Waitemata Harbour.
- The motorway my benefit the Auckland region as a whole but it is of little benefit and great inconvenience to Mt Albert.
OK, Mt Albert, thanks to former local MP Helen Clark, was a Labour safe seat.
National could have had a good shot at winning it given how blue Auckland turned last election.
Instead National have just handed it back to Labour on a platter.