20 May, 2007

The Budget and Other Things that Leave Stains

What a lot of hoopla over Cullen's Budget this week.link In trying to please everybody it is starting to look like he has pleased nobody. Still with all the fuss the people seem to have forgotten all about the anti-smacking bill was passed with only 7 votes against it. link I am suddenly feeling a lot more confident about my chances of being elected. How Labour managed to pull that one off with all the opposition from the voters. Better still, managing to convince most of National to vote for it as well thus saving Labour from political suicide, I don't know. They must have been spinning like tops down in Parliament.

National's leader, John Key, is going about saying he will undo Labour's family support (aka family tax credit)legislation and give every one tax cuts instead. link Doing that may not win him as many votes as he thinks it will. Robbing Peter and son of a large amount to pay Paul a small amount may gain some votes but only as long as Paul doesn't figure out that that it is stealing candy, and even more basic sustenance, from babies.

This last week I have been enjoying this bunch of flowers, sent to me by an anonymous admirer. They look and smell lovely. My secretary has been quite strange about it and has heard muttering something about my flowers and Mother's Day.

I don't know what her problem is, I am too busy trying to get rid of these mysterious orange marks on by head and back.

Now she is laughing like a drain! Something about lily pollen stains......