13 June, 2007

The Food Police

Pies and chips for tea last night.
I am one happy cat. Youngest kid didn't finish his pastry. Choice!

I like pies.
Meat ones in particular, but custard ones are nice as well. I'll even eat fruit ones if I can leave the fruit.

It seems the government has decided that school children shouldn't be eating pies, chips and fizzy drink along with a few other things. It seems that there are too many fat kids.

School principals are less than happy about that.

It seems that school rely on the income raised by sell the banned foods to hungry students with cash regardless of what size their waists are.

Of course the menu at Bellamy's, parliament's own cafe, is unaffected and still contains sausage rolls and sugary drinks. All suitable fuel for extra wide MPs I am sure.

It has been pointed out that said students, be they lard butts or not, will just take their lunch dollars to the nearest dairy, bakery or take away instead of school tuck shops but to no avail.

Got to wonder about how keen Labour is to be reelected next year.

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