01 October, 2007

Has National policy crossed into fruitcake territory yet?

I haven't been posting much of late, it is school holidays and with 3 two legged toe rags wandering around ..... enough said.

Have any of you seen what the Gnats (National Party) have been up to?

I know I have said before that they needed to come up with some new policies but.......if the idea of removing the cap on GP prices without referring to it once in the recently released 45 page health policy document wasn't enough now they are suggesting this.

Anyone want to build a school and lease it to a national government?

This could be a real money spinner and not for the government. Just think about it - a tenant who can't easily move elsewhere and is unlikely to go out of business anytime soon. You could just about charge what you like and if they do move out you still have this lovely big hunk of real estate. Where is the risk to the landlord. Of course the risk and cost to future governments would be huge. Landlords can pass on maintenance costs and since a school is more of a commercial building, building related costs and modifications are the responsibility of the tenant.

Is this a licence to print money for some or what?

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