04 March, 2009

One good cat down

13 June, 2007

I am not amused
How about
this little piece of idiocy from Whangarei.Only 2 cats per household.I protest!Mind you it could be a good opportunity to get rid of that cowardly bully of a Minnie cat or that senile old bag of bones called Smudge..........and as for that ginger next door.........

I am eating those words today. Yesterday one of my flatmates, Minnie cat, my favourite boxing bag with a nasty left hook, very unexpectedly passed away, and not necessarily from old age even though she was 15.

At a guess a fur ball was to blame or heart failure.

I have tried taking my frustrations, gently, on Smudge but she is so old and frail I haven't the heart.

Now I will have to work harder at avoiding being a lap cat and mousing at the compost bins.

I am getting called constantly by the kids. Responding was Minnie's job.

I miss you already you stocky grey tag-a-long.

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