03 January, 2010

De Bunking - coming soon?


A two year old manages to suffocate himself climbing/falling off a top bunk. His family has spoken out in order to help prevent another tragedy.

It seems that the safety standards for bunks are under review again. one of the ideas considered is to limit the use of a top bunk to children 12 and over.

What kind of bollocks is this?

Bunks are used by every family who has to house two kids in a room that is only a double in real estate agent speak.
Hint: a true double bedroom can hold two single beds, two tallboy chests of drawers while still being able to open the wardrobe, bedroom door and windows and not climb over any furniture to do so.

Eldest kid, has been sleeping in a top bunk since the age of 4, a bunk that doesn't meet current safety standards at that. It has no safety rail and they stopped using the ladder years ago. The worst thing that happened was that she fell out one night (she has only fallen out 3 times in 10 years) and landed on her sister. It was such a thumping impact that neither girl woke up even though the adults in the next room did.

Exactly how much cotton wool do we want to wrap kids in?

Another hint: 2 years old is a bit too young to put any kid in a top bunk.

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