02 November, 2007

Cabinet reshuffle. Such fanfare and so little drama.

Helen Clark has with great fanfare shuffled her cabinet.
If you want to have a look http://www.beehive.govt.nz/Documents/Files/Ministerial%20List.DOC but if you were expecting any great changes don't bother.

She has only shuffled the hand she was holding rather than the full pack of Labour M.Ps. A few of new cards have been picked from the deck and naughty Trevor Mallard got a wet bus ticket demotion but that is all.

Still I suppose it can't be helped. Most of the good new blood is on the opposition benches which is where it is becoming more likely that Labour will end up after the next election. I don't think one Shane Jones, a Steve Chadwick, plus a Maryan Street and a Darren Hughes will be able to save them. A pity more of the old hands didn't do a Mark Burton and choose to depart gracefully.

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